Friends of FAKings! how niceis to have the privilege of being a witness of the first key moments in someone's life and be able to say... "When no one knew you, I was there" Well, this is the privilege we have here with this DISCOVERY!! (We struck gold, friends) Some background: You know the typical smalltown girl, cute with a taste for boys, marked as "Whore" (by squareminded people) at the first occasion? Well, WE HAVE THIS GIRL!! With all of you... Ariel Ortiz! A NAUGHTY beauty with a motto "If you called me a whore, now you're gonna have a reason", so here she comes. A 28yo bombshell who claims to have fucked 104 boys (she's good accounting). BUT is that all? NO! We've got a second great news! Don Jorge has a nephew who wants to begin in porn and of course, dude needs some pushing. So Don Jorge thought "Why not to bring my neph to a porn shooting so he can see, first hand, how an AWESOME SCENE is done?" Said and done! Here they are, together, uncle and nephew sharing a great experience... Watching live how Potro bangs Ariel Ortiz wildly. Let me tell you... This girl's a PROMISE. Now it's your time, graba sit and enjoy! ;)
12-08-2016 | FAKings Castings
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